so...let's see. last sunday i saw michael ian black and michael showalter at the paradise with chris, and it was absolutely hysterical. both of them are so ridiculous, raunchy, and offensive in the best sense. i had a ton of fun. one of the highlights was most certainly when michael showalter played his "guilty pleasure" songs and one of them was "crash" by dave matthews band. his reaction: "yeah!! this song makes me want to get a white baseball cap, turn it backwards, buy a keg, date rape my girlfriend and wear one of those lance armstrong bracelets!" hahaha. sad but true. god i hate dmb. michael ian black is 10x hotter in person than on TV. i love him. that is all.
i went home this weekend and it was great to relax and shop and eat apple crisp. i bought my halloween costume which is like a poor man's cleopatra (see here), and the sales "woman" at the halloween store was most definitely a man. her (his) name was sydney and she was like "oh my god, that costume is perfect, because you have that GREAT cut...with the bangs and everything! you should try it on." so she basically forced me to try it on and then i came out to get my mom's opinion, and she was still lurking. "ohhhh joy!" was her reaction. WHO SAYS THAT? it was pretty amusing.
also, i went out to the common man for dinner and got crab cakes and they were brilliant.
i finally got decent pictures taken at paper this week! the dude from death from above 1979, mstrkrft, was dj-ing, and he pretty much sucked, but it was a really really fun time.

jenny & i! and myself and patrick from northeastern, looking insane.