rundown of the past few days because they have been AMAZING, even if they've turned me into a complete hag today.
thursday: thursday night, jenny, laura, and i ventured out to PAPER, a dance party of sorts on lansdowne street.
we were psyched to see protokoll play- this band has been one of my absolute favorites the past year (i highly recommend "moving forward" and "DNR"- listen to them!) and the night ended up being pretty surreal. the other day, i noticed a guy working in the bookstore who looked familiar. low and behold, it's the lead singer! only at emerson, i swear.
anyways, jenny and i went over to him after their set and were chatting, and he invited us to their van to drink some PBRs and such. we ended up just drinking and listening to music with him and a couple of the other band members and it was fabulous.
also, this crazy photographer man was chasing jenny & i around, and took some cobra-like picture which i totally fucked up because i was intoxicated and unsure of how to pose. like honestly, look. i'm such an asshole. SOMEONE CUT MY BANGS AND LIFT MY CHIN UP, please.

anyways, the night was totally worth it for staying out til 2:30 when we both had 10am classes, YEAH!
friday: it was my roomie laura's birthday on saturday, so we held a little fiesta on friday night. basically, this fiesta centered around degrassi, beer, and our obsession with our neighbor. oh, we also sent a myspace message to a kid we saw on MTV's "next".
but seriously, we are completely and totally consumed with our neighbor. we saved his apartment from water damage the other day (his smoke detector was going off because of a water leak when he wasn't home the other day, and we ran to the fire department and saved the day), and left him a note telling him what happened. he came up the stairs and thanked us and we fell in love even though we had encountered him briefly before. this man is in his late 20s, and looks like jake gyllenhaal, no lie. he's got a slurry, stoner voice and we want to fornicate with him, including jenny who doesn't even live here. he is a smoker and props the outside door open with his lighter. SIGH. anyways, in our wasted bliss we decided that a good idea would be to leave him a beer and ANOTHER note that read:
dear sean,
today is my 21st birthday, but this is a present for YOU. please accept this beer as a token of our neighborly love. we enjoy writing you notes, especially when intoxicated. in short, we're wasted.
laura and kim (the girls upstairs)
it was a brilliant affair. except he didn't reply :(
next week, chuck klosterman is coming to the BU barnes and noble...BOOYAH!
oh, and classes are fine and good.
hahaha i don't know about cancerous, but it's such an awful picture...he will definitely have to make up for it.
chuck klosterman is my hero. sigh, I miss boston and cool things happening. nashville is all country and has nothing to do with sex, drugs, or rock'n'roll.
we can only hope that chuck makes a stop in nashville! you gotta start a rock revolution there, i suppose...haha. come back to the northeast and visit me...i miss you!
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