SO, i'm sitting and sipping a rum & coke as i listlessly page through job listings that look like this: *RECENT COLLEGE GRADZ!!*~MARKETING & EVENT REPRESENTATIVES~LOOK NOW!*
uggggh. aforementioned dream job, call me now, kthnx.
anyways, all things considered, things are pretty awesome. i've begun working on my freelance piece this week- a.k.a i've visited almost every ethnic market and grocery in the area...pretty sweet for being only semi-employed. i'm not going to lie- i did feel a bit awkward as a tiny irish/italian/english gal walking into these asian, greek, russian, german, and indian markets since a lot of them really cater mainly to those nationalities, but was so happy that once i waltzed up to the owners and explained what the heck i was doing there, they were all more than happy to answer my questions. i'm kinda pissed that i didn't buy some baklava today, though- i'll have to make a return trip.
while i love fall (by fall i basically mean apple pie/crisp), i'm seriously in denial about the temperature lowering drastically right now. i did the memory walk around downtown manchester for the alzheimer's foundation last weekend because my mom volunteers for them, and i had to bring out the scarf and a jacket. MAKE IT STOP.
OH, and one of my lifelong dreams (actually, only two-year-long dreams) came true this past weekend, when kat and i decided to go out to this bar and lounge in nashua that we had never been to. when i looked it up, it turned out that former rockstar: supernova contestant and local new hampshire musical darling, josh logan, was performing there that that video and you'll see why- dude can SING. and he's damn hot, too. now, i've been intentionally trying to see him since he was kicked off the show, since he performs around here every week, but finally the fates aligned and i got to sip my not-so-great midori sour and witness the man's brilliance firsthand. love him.
now i'm not one to get all political, but i can't wait 'til this election is over. NObama, y'all, is all i have to say. clueless without a teleprompter, and waaaay scarier than the alternative, tbh. i'm not a conservative, but just romney needs to get his ass into the 2012 race, stat. or into this race, for that matter.
okay, i just made a list of areas i'm seriously thinking of moving in no particular order because i need a change. thoughts, please?
Las Vegas, NV
West Palm Beach, FL
Atlanta, GA
Baltimore, MD
Charlotte or Raleigh, NC
Philadelphia, PA
Providence, RI
Charleston, SC
Roanoke, VA
Nashville, TN
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
i ain't done anything wrong
welp, my grandparents are back in their apartment, our kitchen floor is going to be replaced, and good ol' oreo killed the mouse (her sole accomplishment in all 12 years as our cat...bravo!) plus, i interviewed for 3 jobs in the past week, one of which was literally my dream job- a publicist- and i've just gotta have it. things are looking up and i'm excited to relax a little least for a day or so.
i was so thrilled today because alissa, one of my longest and dearest friends who recently moved to sunny florida, was in town and we got to catch up today and indulge in coldstone. now, their ice cream is delicious, but the flavor names are still ridiculous: "like it"? "love it"? "gotta have it"? come on now!
oh, anyone been watching the new "90210"? i watched the first two episodes, but it's so god-awful i stopped watching. just give it up, you'll never be as good as the original, guys! and go back to degrassi, darcy. you're more tolerable there. but i love "privileged" and really hope it doesn't get cancelled. SO GOOD.
i'm also one step closer to my lifelong dream of being a food critic. i recently pitched an idea for a freelance piece on local ethnic restaurants and markets to the local paper's weekly food magazine, and next thing i know, i have a multi-part series on my hands! booyah.
give me some songs to download that you love right now. i'm surprisingly NOT in a music drought right now, i'm just in the mood to hear some more great new stuff.
i was so thrilled today because alissa, one of my longest and dearest friends who recently moved to sunny florida, was in town and we got to catch up today and indulge in coldstone. now, their ice cream is delicious, but the flavor names are still ridiculous: "like it"? "love it"? "gotta have it"? come on now!
oh, anyone been watching the new "90210"? i watched the first two episodes, but it's so god-awful i stopped watching. just give it up, you'll never be as good as the original, guys! and go back to degrassi, darcy. you're more tolerable there. but i love "privileged" and really hope it doesn't get cancelled. SO GOOD.
i'm also one step closer to my lifelong dream of being a food critic. i recently pitched an idea for a freelance piece on local ethnic restaurants and markets to the local paper's weekly food magazine, and next thing i know, i have a multi-part series on my hands! booyah.
give me some songs to download that you love right now. i'm surprisingly NOT in a music drought right now, i'm just in the mood to hear some more great new stuff.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
basically we pay bills, then chill
the following has happened in my household within the past week:
-my dear, dear 90-something grandparents have basically moved in with my family
-we discovered that our dishwasher has been leaking for who knows how long, and the water has made some of our kitchen floor tiles come we have to get a whole new floor. neato!
-an ugly little brown mouse stared me down while i was running on the treadmill and i ran upstairs screaming like a little girl
sure, i love the drama, but seriously, i need to move out of this house! praise the lord, i have an interview in on friday at a historic theatre in brookline i applied to forever ago- turns out that they decided not to hire for the original position after all, but an assistant position opened up, and i was offered an interview. niiiice!
also, after my previous post on new kids on the block, i've been inspired to list my top 5 guilty pleasure songs of summer 2008...despite the fact that i'm not guilty about them.
5. panic at the disco- that green gentleman: i loved them, i hated them, and now i kind of like them again.
4. shwayze and cisco adler- corona and lime: i'll be honest, i basically just like it for cisco's sweet chorus.
3. rihanna- disturbia: the girl bothers me immensely, but i inevitably love most of her songs.
2. pussycat dolls- when i grow up: i could be at a gas station filling up my car, and if this came on, i seriously couldn't help but launch into a full-scale dance routine. more hooks than a tackle box!
1. the jonas brothers- burnin' up: the perfect summer pop song in every way. uhh, except from the little faux-rap from britney's former bodyguard.
oh, and i don't know if y'all have watched the new 90210 or not, but it sucks. royally. i watched the premiere of "privileged" after it last night, and that show is heads and tails above that stupid remake. ugggh.
-my dear, dear 90-something grandparents have basically moved in with my family
-we discovered that our dishwasher has been leaking for who knows how long, and the water has made some of our kitchen floor tiles come we have to get a whole new floor. neato!
-an ugly little brown mouse stared me down while i was running on the treadmill and i ran upstairs screaming like a little girl
sure, i love the drama, but seriously, i need to move out of this house! praise the lord, i have an interview in on friday at a historic theatre in brookline i applied to forever ago- turns out that they decided not to hire for the original position after all, but an assistant position opened up, and i was offered an interview. niiiice!
also, after my previous post on new kids on the block, i've been inspired to list my top 5 guilty pleasure songs of summer 2008...despite the fact that i'm not guilty about them.
5. panic at the disco- that green gentleman: i loved them, i hated them, and now i kind of like them again.
4. shwayze and cisco adler- corona and lime: i'll be honest, i basically just like it for cisco's sweet chorus.
3. rihanna- disturbia: the girl bothers me immensely, but i inevitably love most of her songs.
2. pussycat dolls- when i grow up: i could be at a gas station filling up my car, and if this came on, i seriously couldn't help but launch into a full-scale dance routine. more hooks than a tackle box!
1. the jonas brothers- burnin' up: the perfect summer pop song in every way. uhh, except from the little faux-rap from britney's former bodyguard.
oh, and i don't know if y'all have watched the new 90210 or not, but it sucks. royally. i watched the premiere of "privileged" after it last night, and that show is heads and tails above that stupid remake. ugggh.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
no thanks, NKOTB

i have to admit, though i have friends that swear they were obsessed with the new kids when they first hit the block, i pretty much missed the original frenzy that surrounded them- aside from occasionally viewing their cartoon on saturday mornings (i must have been too busy listening to one-hit wonder gems like natural selection's "do anything".) regardless, growing up in the bsb and 'n sync generation, i can relate to the hype. i would mention my hanson obsession, but i respect them more than that, dammit.
anyways, i really thought i'd give them a fair shot when i heard they were attempting a comeback- though my instincts were that it would be a massive failure. errr....okay, so they've been on the today show like three times already. but really, guys? choreographed dancing at your age? besides looking really sad, one of you might break a hip! and the comeback single, "summertime," is pretty atrocious. no one over the age of 20- actually, no one EVER- should utter the words "you had the beauty and the beach on lock." i can understand that some of these 30+ women are trying to reclaim their youth and all, but sometimes it's better to leave well alone and let "step by step" rest in peace where it belongs: in the early 90s.
thumbs down, new kids.
anyways, i really thought i'd give them a fair shot when i heard they were attempting a comeback- though my instincts were that it would be a massive failure. errr....okay, so they've been on the today show like three times already. but really, guys? choreographed dancing at your age? besides looking really sad, one of you might break a hip! and the comeback single, "summertime," is pretty atrocious. no one over the age of 20- actually, no one EVER- should utter the words "you had the beauty and the beach on lock." i can understand that some of these 30+ women are trying to reclaim their youth and all, but sometimes it's better to leave well alone and let "step by step" rest in peace where it belongs: in the early 90s.
thumbs down, new kids.
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