buuut the funniest part of the evening was when we decided to grab a few post-movie drinks at the good ol' TGI fridays bar (don't call me a townie), and as we scan the room, we realize that...hey! there's the souhegan football coach! and the attendance officer! and half the faculty! and like ten kids from our high school class! it was so fabulously random, and so fabulously amherst. but mostly it was just surreal and made me feel ridiculously old, especially after catching up with a few of our classmates and being all, "how has it been four years?" ohh god, i want my youth back.
also, a few personal recommendations:
-watch "the ex list" and "privileged" because they're such cute shows and i don't want them to get canceled.
-download these songs, courtesy of my october '08 playlist thus far:
lady gaga- "just dance" and "beautiful dirty rich"
black kids- "look at me when i rock wichoo"
britney spears- "womanizer"
the little ones- "morning tide"
oasis- "the shock of the lightning"
fall out boy- "i don't care"
ladyhawke- "paris is burning"
-someone find me these brown boots! i've been looking for ones like them forever and upon seeing these on miss degrassi-turned-90210 shenae grimes, to quote rachel zoe, "i die."

and i found out that the hanson show i'm going to on saturday is SOLD OUT. like, i love them dearly, but i'm honestly surprised- hanson is still 1000+ capacity venue-relevant?! hell yes they are, because they're fan-friggin'-tastic. details of the glorious day to follow.
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