let's add to the many qualities that make me elderly, shall we? oh yes, my love for the game show network and its many quality programs, including the above-pictured word game gems "lingo" and "chain reaction" is a passionate one. so passionate, in fact, that i have made it one of my goals to appear on one of these shows and show those linguistically-challenged bitches what's up. i mean, the whole point of chain reaction is to connect seven words, one letter at a time, through forming common phrases. and one girl, when faced with the word "red" and the letters "C-R-O" (pretty obvious that it's red cross, right?) literally says "...red crow??" oh no she didn't!
last night, i saw jacob for the first time in foreeever, and we went to one of those dinner-and-a-movie places called chunkys, which i had never been to before. we ended up seeing get smart, which i really had no interest in, but it was two dollars off admission and i desperately wanted to chow down on chicken parm in the dark while watching a movie. and so i did, and the movie was actually pretty funny, though nothing too amazing.
ummm i'm seriously getting way too gung ho about this "the secret" stuff, but i swear it's changing my life already. and after bringing it up to jeff, he sent me the below video, which features ross the flamboyant "tonight show" intern talking to "house hunters" host suzanne whang (love her) about this insane secret-related story. i know no one wants to watch it, but i swear it's the best story you'll hear in a while. amazing stuff.
anyone know anything about philadelphia? or providence? i'm trying to think of some smaller cities to consider for the job hunt. gahhhh.
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