whoops, sorry, i kinda almost forgot about this thing. let's bring everyone up to speed:
-my thanksgiving was disastrous. all due to the fact that it was not held by my mom and dad, but instead we all were forced to go to western mass to my cousin's house, where i ate turkey that they cooked on WEDNESDAY (who does that...seriously?) and cold stuffing with sausage in it. plus, i missed the parade because we were traveling. worst!
-upon my return to boston from thanksgiving break, laura and i decorated our fabulous apartment in fabulous holiday style while listening to an amazing christmas mix cd i prepared. we have fake candles on the window sills, an adorable little tree with colored lights and glitzy decorations, and snowflakes hanging on the windows. i want to cry when i look at it.
-i would produce pictures of said decorations, except for the fact that at some undetermined time after the rooney show, my digital camera dropped off of my desk into my trash can without my knowledge and i threw the damn thing away. neat!
-please, no one see that movie "deck the halls". kate, cori & i decided that it might be a cute holiday film...NOPE. it was just awful. way too over the top to be funny, and just...awful. not even matthew broderick or danny devito could save that shit.
-laura & i have been taking advantage of our cable lately and watching legends of the hidden temple pretty much every day. i really never realized how completely creepy kirk fogg is. he can't stop touching the children! ew.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
all along the watchtower
HI. a few things. halloween was basically a bust this year. it all started on saturday, when laura, jenny, and i went to a masquerade at BU (not dressed in costumes, mind you) where phantom planet was playing. the event started at 10, so we got there accordingly. of course, we soon found out that the band was not actually playing until 12. WTF? we walked around the area for like an hour and a half, and while the performance was great, my view was severely obstructed by obnoxious girls in costumes with huge cumbersome wings that nearly knocked my eye out. fuck that. i got a good idea to be a "deal or no deal" model yesterday but i was kind of too lazy to make it happen. there's always next year.
it should be said that these past few days of hearing damage began on friday, when the three of us went to the steel train show at TT the bear's, since jenny knows one of the guys in the band. we played pool with him and it was pretty fun overall.
ummm, basically my roommate laura and i are obsessed with craigslist, but it's ok because it appears the rest of boston is, too. i first need to preface this with the fact that it had been my goal to have someone write a "missed connection" about me (this means that if you see someone cute on the subway, street, wherever, you can go on the site and describe what they looked like and that you thought you shared a "moment" or what have you in order to find them). ANYWAYS, i really wanted one. and i finally got one. except it was with a total fucking creep. so, i got out of marketing early one day and went to catch the T at boylston like usual to go home. as soon as the train pulls up, i lock eyes with this CREEP. i get on the train and sit down, and unfortunately said creep is sitting across from me smirking. no, wait, let me describe this man (whom i initially thought was a transsexual): long, fur-trimmed coat, huge bellbottoms (with the hideous fabric inserts on the bottom), spray-painted silver boots, dangly earrings, and stringy brown hair that was half in a ponytail. anyways, he is fucking smiling at me, and then the stupid train was taken out of service, meaning i needed to switch trains to go like, one stop. he friggin' FOLLOWED me onto the next train and then turned away from me, hunched over and reading some weird foreign book. ew. later that night, i go on to check the missed connections and read this:
"luminesint girl at boylston - m4w - 25. you: beautiful brunet beauty in purple top and jeans. i smiled at you and tryd to catch your eye a few times but im not sure if your interested. id like to get cofee with you sometime and talk. if you remember me please reply." NO sir. but i made up a fake e-mail to determine if it was the dude, and i get the following responses. i'm not making this up.
it should be said that these past few days of hearing damage began on friday, when the three of us went to the steel train show at TT the bear's, since jenny knows one of the guys in the band. we played pool with him and it was pretty fun overall.
ummm, basically my roommate laura and i are obsessed with craigslist, but it's ok because it appears the rest of boston is, too. i first need to preface this with the fact that it had been my goal to have someone write a "missed connection" about me (this means that if you see someone cute on the subway, street, wherever, you can go on the site and describe what they looked like and that you thought you shared a "moment" or what have you in order to find them). ANYWAYS, i really wanted one. and i finally got one. except it was with a total fucking creep. so, i got out of marketing early one day and went to catch the T at boylston like usual to go home. as soon as the train pulls up, i lock eyes with this CREEP. i get on the train and sit down, and unfortunately said creep is sitting across from me smirking. no, wait, let me describe this man (whom i initially thought was a transsexual): long, fur-trimmed coat, huge bellbottoms (with the hideous fabric inserts on the bottom), spray-painted silver boots, dangly earrings, and stringy brown hair that was half in a ponytail. anyways, he is fucking smiling at me, and then the stupid train was taken out of service, meaning i needed to switch trains to go like, one stop. he friggin' FOLLOWED me onto the next train and then turned away from me, hunched over and reading some weird foreign book. ew. later that night, i go on to check the missed connections and read this:
"luminesint girl at boylston - m4w - 25. you: beautiful brunet beauty in purple top and jeans. i smiled at you and tryd to catch your eye a few times but im not sure if your interested. id like to get cofee with you sometime and talk. if you remember me please reply." NO sir. but i made up a fake e-mail to determine if it was the dude, and i get the following responses. i'm not making this up.
"my beautius brunet. i have thought of you. if this ison a lighter note, i went to see ben lee and rooney the other night at the paradise. it was an amazing show, and i got taylor locke's guitar pick from rooney/also had eye sex with him because i'm a 14 year old girl (he's baaasically my love, as you'll see the majority of the pics are of him, even though i felt awkward snapping pictures since he was standing in front of me and kept glancing over). oh well. i should get paid for this shit.
you the details are you where wereing a purple top and
jeans. you had beautiful brunet hare. i wanted to
aproach you but i didnt know if your intrested. id
really like to get cofee sometime."
"i was wereing silver boots and my rabit hare coat. i wanted to
aproach you but i didnt think your interested.
is this you my brunet beauty?"
"were are you my luminesint brunet? i realy want to get cofee with you.
are you intrested. please repond."
"brunet. i will not tell you again. repond."
after this last frightening message, i "reponded" and told him i wasn't his "brunet", even though i am. so creepy.
P.S. Laura heard our neighbor (the hot stoner jake gyllenhaal one) having an orgasm the other night,
no lie...she went down to take out the trash and heard this semi-awkward "guttural moaning", and
stopped on the stairs and heard it once more. we think he was probably alone.
that shit's hot. now we love him even more.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
let me get what i want
i'm getting better at updating more often, sweet!
so...let's see. last sunday i saw michael ian black and michael showalter at the paradise with chris, and it was absolutely hysterical. both of them are so ridiculous, raunchy, and offensive in the best sense. i had a ton of fun. one of the highlights was most certainly when michael showalter played his "guilty pleasure" songs and one of them was "crash" by dave matthews band. his reaction: "yeah!! this song makes me want to get a white baseball cap, turn it backwards, buy a keg, date rape my girlfriend and wear one of those lance armstrong bracelets!" hahaha. sad but true. god i hate dmb. michael ian black is 10x hotter in person than on TV. i love him. that is all.
i went home this weekend and it was great to relax and shop and eat apple crisp. i bought my halloween costume which is like a poor man's cleopatra (see here), and the sales "woman" at the halloween store was most definitely a man. her (his) name was sydney and she was like "oh my god, that costume is perfect, because you have that GREAT cut...with the bangs and everything! you should try it on." so she basically forced me to try it on and then i came out to get my mom's opinion, and she was still lurking. "ohhhh joy!" was her reaction. WHO SAYS THAT? it was pretty amusing.
also, i went out to the common man for dinner and got crab cakes and they were brilliant.
i finally got decent pictures taken at paper this week! the dude from death from above 1979, mstrkrft, was dj-ing, and he pretty much sucked, but it was a really really fun time.

jenny & i! and myself and patrick from northeastern, looking insane.
so...let's see. last sunday i saw michael ian black and michael showalter at the paradise with chris, and it was absolutely hysterical. both of them are so ridiculous, raunchy, and offensive in the best sense. i had a ton of fun. one of the highlights was most certainly when michael showalter played his "guilty pleasure" songs and one of them was "crash" by dave matthews band. his reaction: "yeah!! this song makes me want to get a white baseball cap, turn it backwards, buy a keg, date rape my girlfriend and wear one of those lance armstrong bracelets!" hahaha. sad but true. god i hate dmb. michael ian black is 10x hotter in person than on TV. i love him. that is all.
i went home this weekend and it was great to relax and shop and eat apple crisp. i bought my halloween costume which is like a poor man's cleopatra (see here), and the sales "woman" at the halloween store was most definitely a man. her (his) name was sydney and she was like "oh my god, that costume is perfect, because you have that GREAT cut...with the bangs and everything! you should try it on." so she basically forced me to try it on and then i came out to get my mom's opinion, and she was still lurking. "ohhhh joy!" was her reaction. WHO SAYS THAT? it was pretty amusing.
also, i went out to the common man for dinner and got crab cakes and they were brilliant.
i finally got decent pictures taken at paper this week! the dude from death from above 1979, mstrkrft, was dj-ing, and he pretty much sucked, but it was a really really fun time.

jenny & i! and myself and patrick from northeastern, looking insane.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
the city's changed as much as a small city can...
ok, it's been far too long, blog. but practically everyone is home for the long weekend besides me (i'm going home next weekend instead), so this is the perfect opportunity to write in this lil' thing.
various musings:
-i didn't think i would be too happy about it, but i am actually welcoming fall with open arms. i always associate boston with this season for some reason, and it's absolutely gorgeous here right now. i've still been walking home from school for the past week or so and i love it.
-school's going great (well, besides me probably failing yesterday's stats test..uhhh?). i especially love my marketing class and my copywriting class is really challenging but for some reason the teacher really likes my stuff.
-the nightlife here is so brilliant! last weekend, jenny and i ventured out to allston to the pill at great scott and it was such a cool little rock bar- we saw some random band play, and then after a PBR or so, we danced to the smiths, stevie wonder, and various britpop...i was in heaven!! we also went to PAPER on thursday with two of her roommates and it was the best one yet- the dude from nightmare of you was DJing with Ultragrrrl (i have a book by her on playlists, so i knew she would have good taste). they friggin' played "Freedom" by george michael!! and i'm sure i was the only person in there that knew the words. oh well. we got two more pictures taken, but i haven't seen them yet. hopefully i fared better this time.
-what else? um, we went to a pretty cool jazz festival last saturday too after strolling down newbury street. woo!
-the new degrassi owns my life and everyone needs to watch it...k thanks.
-i made an actual chicken/stuffing dinner thing last night and could not believe i made such a delicious meal.
-laura and i love the woman at dunkin' donuts who knows our order every morning and has our coffees ready before we even get up to the register. holla.
a great fall playlist!
here are four songs that have been getting a lot of rotation from me lately, and they have a "fall" vibe to them (or at least they do to me). and you can download them all! golly gee, it's awesome.
french kicks- so far we are (this one's essential!)
paper moon- string of blinking lights
hot iqs- firecracker
tokyo police club- cheer it on
various musings:
-i didn't think i would be too happy about it, but i am actually welcoming fall with open arms. i always associate boston with this season for some reason, and it's absolutely gorgeous here right now. i've still been walking home from school for the past week or so and i love it.
-school's going great (well, besides me probably failing yesterday's stats test..uhhh?). i especially love my marketing class and my copywriting class is really challenging but for some reason the teacher really likes my stuff.
-the nightlife here is so brilliant! last weekend, jenny and i ventured out to allston to the pill at great scott and it was such a cool little rock bar- we saw some random band play, and then after a PBR or so, we danced to the smiths, stevie wonder, and various britpop...i was in heaven!! we also went to PAPER on thursday with two of her roommates and it was the best one yet- the dude from nightmare of you was DJing with Ultragrrrl (i have a book by her on playlists, so i knew she would have good taste). they friggin' played "Freedom" by george michael!! and i'm sure i was the only person in there that knew the words. oh well. we got two more pictures taken, but i haven't seen them yet. hopefully i fared better this time.
-what else? um, we went to a pretty cool jazz festival last saturday too after strolling down newbury street. woo!
-the new degrassi owns my life and everyone needs to watch it...k thanks.
-i made an actual chicken/stuffing dinner thing last night and could not believe i made such a delicious meal.
-laura and i love the woman at dunkin' donuts who knows our order every morning and has our coffees ready before we even get up to the register. holla.
a great fall playlist!
here are four songs that have been getting a lot of rotation from me lately, and they have a "fall" vibe to them (or at least they do to me). and you can download them all! golly gee, it's awesome.
french kicks- so far we are (this one's essential!)
paper moon- string of blinking lights
hot iqs- firecracker
tokyo police club- cheer it on
Sunday, September 17, 2006
sam walton was a cheap, miserly motherfucker
honestly, i love boston so much. i've always been one to say "everything happens for a reason", which i definitely still believe, but regardless of whether this move was destined or not, i feel that it was totally the right decision and the freedom i feel right now is so wonderful. living in an urban environment is something i don't think i can get sick of.
rundown of the past few days because they have been AMAZING, even if they've turned me into a complete hag today.
thursday: thursday night, jenny, laura, and i ventured out to PAPER, a dance party of sorts on lansdowne street.
we were psyched to see protokoll play- this band has been one of my absolute favorites the past year (i highly recommend "moving forward" and "DNR"- listen to them!) and the night ended up being pretty surreal. the other day, i noticed a guy working in the bookstore who looked familiar. low and behold, it's the lead singer! only at emerson, i swear.
anyways, jenny and i went over to him after their set and were chatting, and he invited us to their van to drink some PBRs and such. we ended up just drinking and listening to music with him and a couple of the other band members and it was fabulous.
also, this crazy photographer man was chasing jenny & i around, and took some cobra-like picture which i totally fucked up because i was intoxicated and unsure of how to pose. like honestly, look. i'm such an asshole. SOMEONE CUT MY BANGS AND LIFT MY CHIN UP, please.

anyways, the night was totally worth it for staying out til 2:30 when we both had 10am classes, YEAH!
friday: it was my roomie laura's birthday on saturday, so we held a little fiesta on friday night. basically, this fiesta centered around degrassi, beer, and our obsession with our neighbor. oh, we also sent a myspace message to a kid we saw on MTV's "next".
but seriously, we are completely and totally consumed with our neighbor. we saved his apartment from water damage the other day (his smoke detector was going off because of a water leak when he wasn't home the other day, and we ran to the fire department and saved the day), and left him a note telling him what happened. he came up the stairs and thanked us and we fell in love even though we had encountered him briefly before. this man is in his late 20s, and looks like jake gyllenhaal, no lie. he's got a slurry, stoner voice and we want to fornicate with him, including jenny who doesn't even live here. he is a smoker and props the outside door open with his lighter. SIGH. anyways, in our wasted bliss we decided that a good idea would be to leave him a beer and ANOTHER note that read:
dear sean,
today is my 21st birthday, but this is a present for YOU. please accept this beer as a token of our neighborly love. we enjoy writing you notes, especially when intoxicated. in short, we're wasted.
laura and kim (the girls upstairs)
it was a brilliant affair. except he didn't reply :(
next week, chuck klosterman is coming to the BU barnes and noble...BOOYAH!
oh, and classes are fine and good.
rundown of the past few days because they have been AMAZING, even if they've turned me into a complete hag today.
thursday: thursday night, jenny, laura, and i ventured out to PAPER, a dance party of sorts on lansdowne street.
we were psyched to see protokoll play- this band has been one of my absolute favorites the past year (i highly recommend "moving forward" and "DNR"- listen to them!) and the night ended up being pretty surreal. the other day, i noticed a guy working in the bookstore who looked familiar. low and behold, it's the lead singer! only at emerson, i swear.
anyways, jenny and i went over to him after their set and were chatting, and he invited us to their van to drink some PBRs and such. we ended up just drinking and listening to music with him and a couple of the other band members and it was fabulous.
also, this crazy photographer man was chasing jenny & i around, and took some cobra-like picture which i totally fucked up because i was intoxicated and unsure of how to pose. like honestly, look. i'm such an asshole. SOMEONE CUT MY BANGS AND LIFT MY CHIN UP, please.

anyways, the night was totally worth it for staying out til 2:30 when we both had 10am classes, YEAH!
friday: it was my roomie laura's birthday on saturday, so we held a little fiesta on friday night. basically, this fiesta centered around degrassi, beer, and our obsession with our neighbor. oh, we also sent a myspace message to a kid we saw on MTV's "next".
but seriously, we are completely and totally consumed with our neighbor. we saved his apartment from water damage the other day (his smoke detector was going off because of a water leak when he wasn't home the other day, and we ran to the fire department and saved the day), and left him a note telling him what happened. he came up the stairs and thanked us and we fell in love even though we had encountered him briefly before. this man is in his late 20s, and looks like jake gyllenhaal, no lie. he's got a slurry, stoner voice and we want to fornicate with him, including jenny who doesn't even live here. he is a smoker and props the outside door open with his lighter. SIGH. anyways, in our wasted bliss we decided that a good idea would be to leave him a beer and ANOTHER note that read:
dear sean,
today is my 21st birthday, but this is a present for YOU. please accept this beer as a token of our neighborly love. we enjoy writing you notes, especially when intoxicated. in short, we're wasted.
laura and kim (the girls upstairs)
it was a brilliant affair. except he didn't reply :(
next week, chuck klosterman is coming to the BU barnes and noble...BOOYAH!
oh, and classes are fine and good.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
becoming a speck
MAN!! so, i am currently sitting in my newfound urban digs in boston, and feel like i'm in some cheesy scene on some kind of awful hour long drama. anyways, it took about three full days to get to some degree of settled-ness, but things are finally feeling a lot more like home. our living room walls are still pretty bare, so i should have pictures by next week. the kitchen is friggin' adorable and looks like a 50's diner. i love boston, too. i've started to meet some great people even though classes haven't started yet, which i'm happy about.
now, for a few things:
- my roommate laura, our new friend jenny, and i decided to be sociable and attend this 80's music video lecture that was being held as part of orientation (yeah, this really is the school for me). when we entered, we were greeted by freakishly peppy orientation leaders and a roomful of shiny happy freshmen clapping and dancing to retro songs. we were scared. but the lecture was pretty interesting.
-i absolutely love living in the north end. when we open our windows, i want to run right down the street and eat italian food all day because it smells so delicious. i ate a chocolate covered cannoli the other night and it was amazing. just walking through my neighborhood makes me happy. but the other night i overheard some guy screaming "it was a shock to see her vagina". whaaaaaaaaaat.
-our downstairs neighbor is seriously the most cliche stoner neighbor EVER and i love it so much. he's like 27 and we met him when he stumbled out of his door at about 10 at night when we were coming in from somewhere and was like "uh, heeeey...new neighbors? yeeeah, uh, i 'll be around for like, a little while if you need any help...". alright, dude.
- jenny and i were discussing how while we stood out like sore thumbs at our previous schools for dressing all crazy-like, here we blend in like you wouldn't believe. just walking into emerson's main building, i feel like i've entered the twilight fashion zone. no, seriously, there's a facebook group here called "every week is fashion week at the little building". i've totally started to kick it up a notch.
-speaking of people here, i am baaaasically in lust with every boy i've seen thus far, both at the school and in the city in general. there's hair, and lots of it. absolutely perfect.
- i have to get used to 10 million more creepy men on the street and subway. ick.
- i got to see mary today, and we had a great time getting coffee and walking around!
ummm sidenote, we also get digital cable and i'm really excited that i can watch degrassi.
that is all for now. someone please recommend a good song because my september playlist is looking mighty empty.
now, for a few things:
- my roommate laura, our new friend jenny, and i decided to be sociable and attend this 80's music video lecture that was being held as part of orientation (yeah, this really is the school for me). when we entered, we were greeted by freakishly peppy orientation leaders and a roomful of shiny happy freshmen clapping and dancing to retro songs. we were scared. but the lecture was pretty interesting.
-i absolutely love living in the north end. when we open our windows, i want to run right down the street and eat italian food all day because it smells so delicious. i ate a chocolate covered cannoli the other night and it was amazing. just walking through my neighborhood makes me happy. but the other night i overheard some guy screaming "it was a shock to see her vagina". whaaaaaaaaaat.
-our downstairs neighbor is seriously the most cliche stoner neighbor EVER and i love it so much. he's like 27 and we met him when he stumbled out of his door at about 10 at night when we were coming in from somewhere and was like "uh, heeeey...new neighbors? yeeeah, uh, i 'll be around for like, a little while if you need any help...". alright, dude.
- jenny and i were discussing how while we stood out like sore thumbs at our previous schools for dressing all crazy-like, here we blend in like you wouldn't believe. just walking into emerson's main building, i feel like i've entered the twilight fashion zone. no, seriously, there's a facebook group here called "every week is fashion week at the little building". i've totally started to kick it up a notch.
-speaking of people here, i am baaaasically in lust with every boy i've seen thus far, both at the school and in the city in general. there's hair, and lots of it. absolutely perfect.
- i have to get used to 10 million more creepy men on the street and subway. ick.
- i got to see mary today, and we had a great time getting coffee and walking around!
ummm sidenote, we also get digital cable and i'm really excited that i can watch degrassi.
that is all for now. someone please recommend a good song because my september playlist is looking mighty empty.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
iron this on when you get home
this past weekend was interesting. i had a dance party with my aunts, uncles, and cousins in our kitchen to justin timberlake's "sexyback". no, seriously, that really happened...and i also attempted to teach my uncle to pop-lock, unsuccessfully.
we all went to boston on saturday to shop and wander around. at faneuil hall, we watched this family of street performers from england ride unicycles and do handstands and balancing acts. and later, some other dude juggled knives while hanging upside down from a pole/bar thing. the funniest part was when some random-ass old dude with a ponytail who was walking by came running out, limboed under the pole and jumped up, saying "WOOOO!", and continued on his way. the juggler was just like "uh, stay off drugs, kids". good stuff.
WHY IS VINCENT STILL ON PROJECT RUNWAY, someone tell me please. the man discusses clothing in a sexual context, i.e. "it gets me off/it turns me on" and hurls such insults as "why don't you stick some harry winstons up your nose" (diamonds...nose..um...WHAT?) awful. not to mention, his designs are complete and total shit.
i just got my emerson e-mail address, and consequently switched my facebook over. yay for new beginnings.
also, i've been meaning to post this video, and by now probably everyone and their mother has seen it. but truly, i can't stop watching it! it's WAY better than the million ways dance. check it.
we all went to boston on saturday to shop and wander around. at faneuil hall, we watched this family of street performers from england ride unicycles and do handstands and balancing acts. and later, some other dude juggled knives while hanging upside down from a pole/bar thing. the funniest part was when some random-ass old dude with a ponytail who was walking by came running out, limboed under the pole and jumped up, saying "WOOOO!", and continued on his way. the juggler was just like "uh, stay off drugs, kids". good stuff.
WHY IS VINCENT STILL ON PROJECT RUNWAY, someone tell me please. the man discusses clothing in a sexual context, i.e. "it gets me off/it turns me on" and hurls such insults as "why don't you stick some harry winstons up your nose" (diamonds...nose..um...WHAT?) awful. not to mention, his designs are complete and total shit.
i just got my emerson e-mail address, and consequently switched my facebook over. yay for new beginnings.
also, i've been meaning to post this video, and by now probably everyone and their mother has seen it. but truly, i can't stop watching it! it's WAY better than the million ways dance. check it.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
here it goes again
hello, folks.
i would like to first vent about a topic that has been plaguing me all summer on my commute to and from work. BIKERS. not motorcyclists...the little buggers who ride their bicycles in the friggin' center of the friggin' road while i am trying to drive. there is no shoulder on most of the roads around here, so get your god damn bike off of the roads that are intended for CARS and CARS only. at least bike in a low-traffic area. but don't wave like an asshole for me to drive around you when there is no way i can see if there is a car in the oncoming lane. bah.
ok, now that that is out of the way...i got some nice crazy fuschia/magenta highlights in my hair the other day. i might get some more soon. i enjoy them greatly.
also, most everyone who has talked to me recently knows how angry i am that local boy josh logan got kicked off rock star: supernova (he's from manchester). the man has so much soul it's ridiculous. but he's too good for their stupid asses anyways...i'm obsessed. luckily i can relive his glory, youtube style. his first performance still gives me goosebumps, man. and i love this black crowes song.
i finish work on friday, yeahhh man. no more cubicle!! though i will miss the 25 cent coffee even though it sort of tasted like mud. and the dude that looked like chuck norris (my coworkers and i aptly named him 'chuck norris') and the two-hour lunches and intern outings. but that's about it.
OH, and i finally found a new song i enjoy! i've been redeemed. it's by a grand ol' band from oregon called the village green (name taken from the kinks' album the village green preservation society). i strongly recommend this one...it's insanely catchy.

i literally almost bought a multicolored, floral print sleeveless jumpsuit at salvation army yesterday. sad thing is, i really am kind of wishing i had bought it still.
i would like to first vent about a topic that has been plaguing me all summer on my commute to and from work. BIKERS. not motorcyclists...the little buggers who ride their bicycles in the friggin' center of the friggin' road while i am trying to drive. there is no shoulder on most of the roads around here, so get your god damn bike off of the roads that are intended for CARS and CARS only. at least bike in a low-traffic area. but don't wave like an asshole for me to drive around you when there is no way i can see if there is a car in the oncoming lane. bah.
ok, now that that is out of the way...i got some nice crazy fuschia/magenta highlights in my hair the other day. i might get some more soon. i enjoy them greatly.
also, most everyone who has talked to me recently knows how angry i am that local boy josh logan got kicked off rock star: supernova (he's from manchester). the man has so much soul it's ridiculous. but he's too good for their stupid asses anyways...i'm obsessed. luckily i can relive his glory, youtube style. his first performance still gives me goosebumps, man. and i love this black crowes song.
i finish work on friday, yeahhh man. no more cubicle!! though i will miss the 25 cent coffee even though it sort of tasted like mud. and the dude that looked like chuck norris (my coworkers and i aptly named him 'chuck norris') and the two-hour lunches and intern outings. but that's about it.
OH, and i finally found a new song i enjoy! i've been redeemed. it's by a grand ol' band from oregon called the village green (name taken from the kinks' album the village green preservation society). i strongly recommend this one...it's insanely catchy.

i literally almost bought a multicolored, floral print sleeveless jumpsuit at salvation army yesterday. sad thing is, i really am kind of wishing i had bought it still.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
you think it's funny, well you're drowning in it too...
HEY Y'ALL. first of all, i would like to laugh at mel gibson for getting a DUI. according to an article i read, he drunkenly proclaimed himself as the "king of malibu", which is the funniest part of the whole thing. and really, do you think alcohol planted raging anti-semitic thoughts in his head? yeeees, that must be it. what a fool.
anyways, my dear friend jill came to visit this weekend, and we had a completely fantastic time. this included running in the pouring rain through downtown nashua, a trip into boston complete with a pervy/corny street magician, hip hop dancers, and being assigned by the commuter rail conductor to keep an eye on this creepy man who kept switching seats and begging people for money.
we also watched about 260 hours straight of project runway season 2 (ok, no, but we really watched the whole entire season) and it was brilliant. i am eager to see the scandal tomorrow night. it better be angela...what a ho. christine and her sister lauren now come over every single wednesday, and we alternate between "so you think you can dance?" and "rock star: supernova" results, then proceed to eat delicious food and throw things at the tv during project runway. it's a glorious, lazy, evening.
boston is drawing nearer, though it hasn't quite hit me yet. i also keep forgetting that i'm actually going to have to do SCHOOLWORK, which is so terribly inconvenient. god, i just want to eat canolis and frolic on boston common.
i love the new hellogoodbye album and hate the new thunderbirds are now! album. what is going on in the world?! i basically hate all current music lately which is weird. my playlist last month consisted of the song "no excuses" by alice in chains, and constant nirvana. i don't even know. speaking of which, i'll end with the video for "no excuses", which is nothing special but an amazing song.
anyways, my dear friend jill came to visit this weekend, and we had a completely fantastic time. this included running in the pouring rain through downtown nashua, a trip into boston complete with a pervy/corny street magician, hip hop dancers, and being assigned by the commuter rail conductor to keep an eye on this creepy man who kept switching seats and begging people for money.
we also watched about 260 hours straight of project runway season 2 (ok, no, but we really watched the whole entire season) and it was brilliant. i am eager to see the scandal tomorrow night. it better be angela...what a ho. christine and her sister lauren now come over every single wednesday, and we alternate between "so you think you can dance?" and "rock star: supernova" results, then proceed to eat delicious food and throw things at the tv during project runway. it's a glorious, lazy, evening.
boston is drawing nearer, though it hasn't quite hit me yet. i also keep forgetting that i'm actually going to have to do SCHOOLWORK, which is so terribly inconvenient. god, i just want to eat canolis and frolic on boston common.
i love the new hellogoodbye album and hate the new thunderbirds are now! album. what is going on in the world?! i basically hate all current music lately which is weird. my playlist last month consisted of the song "no excuses" by alice in chains, and constant nirvana. i don't even know. speaking of which, i'll end with the video for "no excuses", which is nothing special but an amazing song.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
she's got her own conversation to hold
shit, this is been almost the best week ever, for various reasons, some of which i am not even at liberty to discuss here.
i just won an aqua slipcover for the couch in my apartment on e-bay, and that made me happy. you know your life has reached it's pinnacle when winning slipcovers in online auctions excites you, truly.
i went to emerson yesterday and got my schedule all set up for next semester. it's pretty great, as i'm out of class by either 1 or 2 every day except thursday. fuck thursday- i'm taking a night class from 6:00-9:45. WHAT? that's torturous. especially since it's OC night. i'll deal. i still can't fathom that i'm living in the north end. that place is unreal, and so quaint i might just vomit every time i walk down my street.
anyone catch the new project runway? of course, no one can ever compare to the magic that was santino and daniel v., but this season is gonna come pretty dang close. my favorites thus far: keith- he won the first challenge, but i even liked him before then. he has a good style sense about him, and seems cool.
jeffrey- um, how did he almost get kicked off? i friggin' adored his multi-layered, deconstructed hobo ensemble. whatever, i love him even if the judges don't.
alison- i like her stuff a lot, very simple and cute...she's actually probably the only female designer i liked.
malan breton- he's so snotty and british and slightly evil, how can you not love him? his outfit sucked though.
i DO NOT LIKE VINCENT. who the hell puts a wicker basket with dangling chains on someone's head and tries to pass it off as a hat? awful. he's so bumbling and stupid.

in the vast abyss of bad music that is out there right now, i've managed to discover a gem by the nyc band lolita bras. this is the only tune of theirs i can find out there right now, but it has a great mellow britpop sound. check it out.

lolita bras- her own conversation
also, global facebook groups are ruining my life. that is all.
i just won an aqua slipcover for the couch in my apartment on e-bay, and that made me happy. you know your life has reached it's pinnacle when winning slipcovers in online auctions excites you, truly.
i went to emerson yesterday and got my schedule all set up for next semester. it's pretty great, as i'm out of class by either 1 or 2 every day except thursday. fuck thursday- i'm taking a night class from 6:00-9:45. WHAT? that's torturous. especially since it's OC night. i'll deal. i still can't fathom that i'm living in the north end. that place is unreal, and so quaint i might just vomit every time i walk down my street.
anyone catch the new project runway? of course, no one can ever compare to the magic that was santino and daniel v., but this season is gonna come pretty dang close. my favorites thus far: keith- he won the first challenge, but i even liked him before then. he has a good style sense about him, and seems cool.
jeffrey- um, how did he almost get kicked off? i friggin' adored his multi-layered, deconstructed hobo ensemble. whatever, i love him even if the judges don't.
alison- i like her stuff a lot, very simple and cute...she's actually probably the only female designer i liked.
malan breton- he's so snotty and british and slightly evil, how can you not love him? his outfit sucked though.
i DO NOT LIKE VINCENT. who the hell puts a wicker basket with dangling chains on someone's head and tries to pass it off as a hat? awful. he's so bumbling and stupid.

in the vast abyss of bad music that is out there right now, i've managed to discover a gem by the nyc band lolita bras. this is the only tune of theirs i can find out there right now, but it has a great mellow britpop sound. check it out.

lolita bras- her own conversation
also, global facebook groups are ruining my life. that is all.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
here's where everything comes together, either that or it all falls apart
sup, folks?
last night i attempted to do something productive with myself, a.k.a see pirates of the caribbean, but when christine and i arrived at 6:40 for the 7 show (stupid, stupid) we were told that it was sold out not only for 7, but also the 9 show. in three theatres!! who are all of these swashbuckling freaks? i couldn't believe it.
on another completely random topic, i went to portsmouth last weekend. as many know, i am obsessed with this town. truly and completely obsessed. it never fails to put me in a good mood. i really would love to live there someday. hipsters everywhere, a great record store, a great coffee shop (several, actually), AND a wonderful vintage store which i always go to.
this place is called odd showroom, and it's run by a really awesome lady named amity joy who makes a good portion of the stuff in there. i always spend a good chunk of time in there browsing and end up buying some ridiculous pair of shoes or shirt, or dress, or whatever.
ANYWAYS, i was looking up stuff about the store after i went last weekend, and apparently, this woman used to date the late and great singer, elliott smith. i decided to listen to the album i have of his and realized that one of the songs on there is called "amity". crazy! so, i own two shirts that elliott smith's ex-girlfriend made, and that excites me.
speaking of music, i have been almost unhealthily obsessed with the band superchunk. so i'm about 11 years too late, but that's fine. not even just superchunk, though...the whole mid-90's indie movement has piqued my interest recently. if you are feelin' like a little flannel, i would recommend you also check out sebadoh, dinosaur jr., walt mink, and perhaps some older guided by voices.
but for your enjoyment, here's a superchunk video which i found the other day for their song "hyper enough" off of the brilliant album "here's where the strings come in". it's SO 90's and i friggin' love the beginning. YEAH!
p.s. i love the new justin timberlake song, "sexyback" and i don't care who knows it. it's absolutely on fire. that man is so fantastic.
p.p.s. why does the new rock star: supernova suck much more than last season so far? there are only about 3 decent people on the show, and in my opinion the best one is the dude from manchester. represent new hampshire, dude!
last night i attempted to do something productive with myself, a.k.a see pirates of the caribbean, but when christine and i arrived at 6:40 for the 7 show (stupid, stupid) we were told that it was sold out not only for 7, but also the 9 show. in three theatres!! who are all of these swashbuckling freaks? i couldn't believe it.
on another completely random topic, i went to portsmouth last weekend. as many know, i am obsessed with this town. truly and completely obsessed. it never fails to put me in a good mood. i really would love to live there someday. hipsters everywhere, a great record store, a great coffee shop (several, actually), AND a wonderful vintage store which i always go to.
this place is called odd showroom, and it's run by a really awesome lady named amity joy who makes a good portion of the stuff in there. i always spend a good chunk of time in there browsing and end up buying some ridiculous pair of shoes or shirt, or dress, or whatever.
ANYWAYS, i was looking up stuff about the store after i went last weekend, and apparently, this woman used to date the late and great singer, elliott smith. i decided to listen to the album i have of his and realized that one of the songs on there is called "amity". crazy! so, i own two shirts that elliott smith's ex-girlfriend made, and that excites me.
speaking of music, i have been almost unhealthily obsessed with the band superchunk. so i'm about 11 years too late, but that's fine. not even just superchunk, though...the whole mid-90's indie movement has piqued my interest recently. if you are feelin' like a little flannel, i would recommend you also check out sebadoh, dinosaur jr., walt mink, and perhaps some older guided by voices.
but for your enjoyment, here's a superchunk video which i found the other day for their song "hyper enough" off of the brilliant album "here's where the strings come in". it's SO 90's and i friggin' love the beginning. YEAH!
p.s. i love the new justin timberlake song, "sexyback" and i don't care who knows it. it's absolutely on fire. that man is so fantastic.
p.p.s. why does the new rock star: supernova suck much more than last season so far? there are only about 3 decent people on the show, and in my opinion the best one is the dude from manchester. represent new hampshire, dude!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
we could do with some more poison!
why do weekends go by so insanely fast? i hate it. i attended the wedding of a ridiculously distant relative, and i might as well have been a wedding crasher because i knew basically no one besides my grandparents, and aunt and uncle. it wasn't all bad though.
buuuut anyways, it got me thinking about things, namely weddings. and things i like and don't like about them. so because i love lists, here's my 2 cents on all things matrimonial.
+open bars: bless the individual who came up with this idea, i tell you! and since it was a wedding (read: lax bartenders) i found myself unnecessarily drunk on a white russian, southern comfort old-fashioned, two glasses of champagne and some wine. however, it was SO awkward being drunk around my family members. even worse than that was that my mother was drunk as well. it was a mess, but in the best sense. it made the wedding that much more bearable though, so kudos to open bars.
-the bride and groom shoving cake in each other's faces: i was so so glad that this bride and groom were tasteful about it and cutely fed each other rather than making a huge gross immature spectacle. at all of the other weddings i've been to, i can barely stand when the cutting of the cake comes because it's so friggin' TACKY when they turn it into a food fight. grow up, please!
+eye-fucking the shit out of random hot guests: at this wedding, i set my sights on this random chain-smoking, semi-chubby dude with a goatee. nothing more came of it than the glorious eye sex (though i secretly hoped for a random bathroom tryst or something...uh whaaat?) but it is undeniably awesome to keep up a mystique and flirt with anonymous people.
+hors d'oeuvres: little lobster sandwiches and stuffed mushrooms? i'm in. i mean, i could even do without the main course...just give me those lil' snacks all night along with some cheese and crackers and i'm set.
-awkward conversations with random relatives and other people: i mean, sometimes it's fine (see my next point), but when the conversations are peppered with awkward silences every 10 seconds and i have no idea how i'm related to this person, i basically want to run away. ugh.
+actually meeting interesting people: there was this older guy (like, my dad's age or older) sitting at our table and we got into like a half-hour long conversation about "so you think you can dance?" and britney spears. this dude was HIP. loved it.
-other random unnecessary tacky shit: case in point, one of the groomsmen performing karaoke to ja rule's "put it on me"...i wanted to vomit. and the bride and groom's first dance was to savage garden's "i knew i loved you before i met you". i mean, i'm sorry, but that shouldn't be any couple's "song". get real, people. ah, i can't wait to plan my wedding.
that's about it. OH, and i'm also randomly obsessed with this song by test icicles. it's one of those listen-to-on-repeat-10-times-a-day things. it sounds basically like the blood brothers or the kinison met bloc party and had a dance party. literally. the shouted chorus just rules. check it ouuuuut. (sidenote, break me off a piece of the first & third boy PLEASE)
buuuut anyways, it got me thinking about things, namely weddings. and things i like and don't like about them. so because i love lists, here's my 2 cents on all things matrimonial.
+open bars: bless the individual who came up with this idea, i tell you! and since it was a wedding (read: lax bartenders) i found myself unnecessarily drunk on a white russian, southern comfort old-fashioned, two glasses of champagne and some wine. however, it was SO awkward being drunk around my family members. even worse than that was that my mother was drunk as well. it was a mess, but in the best sense. it made the wedding that much more bearable though, so kudos to open bars.
-the bride and groom shoving cake in each other's faces: i was so so glad that this bride and groom were tasteful about it and cutely fed each other rather than making a huge gross immature spectacle. at all of the other weddings i've been to, i can barely stand when the cutting of the cake comes because it's so friggin' TACKY when they turn it into a food fight. grow up, please!
+eye-fucking the shit out of random hot guests: at this wedding, i set my sights on this random chain-smoking, semi-chubby dude with a goatee. nothing more came of it than the glorious eye sex (though i secretly hoped for a random bathroom tryst or something...uh whaaat?) but it is undeniably awesome to keep up a mystique and flirt with anonymous people.
+hors d'oeuvres: little lobster sandwiches and stuffed mushrooms? i'm in. i mean, i could even do without the main course...just give me those lil' snacks all night along with some cheese and crackers and i'm set.
-awkward conversations with random relatives and other people: i mean, sometimes it's fine (see my next point), but when the conversations are peppered with awkward silences every 10 seconds and i have no idea how i'm related to this person, i basically want to run away. ugh.
+actually meeting interesting people: there was this older guy (like, my dad's age or older) sitting at our table and we got into like a half-hour long conversation about "so you think you can dance?" and britney spears. this dude was HIP. loved it.
-other random unnecessary tacky shit: case in point, one of the groomsmen performing karaoke to ja rule's "put it on me"...i wanted to vomit. and the bride and groom's first dance was to savage garden's "i knew i loved you before i met you". i mean, i'm sorry, but that shouldn't be any couple's "song". get real, people. ah, i can't wait to plan my wedding.
that's about it. OH, and i'm also randomly obsessed with this song by test icicles. it's one of those listen-to-on-repeat-10-times-a-day things. it sounds basically like the blood brothers or the kinison met bloc party and had a dance party. literally. the shouted chorus just rules. check it ouuuuut. (sidenote, break me off a piece of the first & third boy PLEASE)

Saturday, June 17, 2006
manipulation gets me through
in the immortal words of neal carlson, the day IS a drag when you're workin' for the money. my "marketing intelligence" internship is fantastic in terms of my coworkers and the moolah, but the days are SO friggin' long. at least i get every other friday off, and i will have some money for food (and shows) in boston.
it's pretty cliche, but i thought i would compile a lil' vh1-esque "sizzler"/"hot list" of some of my current obsessions in no particular order: (warning: youtube heavy!)
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE: i slacked off and didn't watch beyond the auditions last season, but CRAP, can these kids dance this year! it's totally one of those inspirational shows that just makes me want to leap onstage and go flashdance on the audience's ass. the dancers are really likeable, too; my personal favorites are ben (the flamboyant shagster) allison (the contemporary chick) travis (just AMAZING) and martha..also great. but i seriously am in love with this lil' swing dude, benji. just watch his audition (especially the second part)- this kid is AMAZING.
FNX BEING COMMERCIAL FREE: honestly, if i didn't love fnx radio with all of my heart before, this commercial free til july 4th thing really sends them over the top. yeah, they have frequent snapple plugs and promotions, but NO COMMERCIALS? freakin' awesome.
ICE CREAM SUNDAES: fuck, why not? they're delicious. except when the bitter high school bitches at king kone try to fit way too much into the small sundae cup and there is syrup and whipped cream and ice cream and shit all dripping down the sides. DAYUM!
APARTMENT SHOPPING: sure, it makes me feel unnecessarily old walking into linens and things and scopin' out the dinnerware, but it is kind of satisfying to shop for your OWN place. meaning i can buy an unnecessary "old fashioned soda fountain straw dispenser" for my kitchen table just because i want to.
IT FINALLY BEING SUNNY OUTSIDE: i hate rain in most circumstances, as it adds an unnecessarily depressing element to the day. thus, sunshine makes me happy. and the fact that the torrential monsoons here in NH seem to be over is brilliant.
THE WILLOWZ (and their videos): the willowz rule, man. they've got the 60's vibe down to a t, no posing or posturing necessary, in both their image and sound. i love it! i thought the white stripes videos were innovative, but these kids are definitely on their tail. they recently released a DVD "video collective", and i snagged "cons & tricks"- easily my favorite song of theirs and a CRAZY video, as well as "unveil", which showcases their fantastic retro-ness in all of it's glory. you can check out more on youtube. enjoy!
on a sidenote, one thing i am not too jazzed about is that love of my life and strokes guitarist nick valensi is married and going to be a father. i was kind of hoping he would just show up at my house one day and i could have his love children. oh well.
it's pretty cliche, but i thought i would compile a lil' vh1-esque "sizzler"/"hot list" of some of my current obsessions in no particular order: (warning: youtube heavy!)
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE: i slacked off and didn't watch beyond the auditions last season, but CRAP, can these kids dance this year! it's totally one of those inspirational shows that just makes me want to leap onstage and go flashdance on the audience's ass. the dancers are really likeable, too; my personal favorites are ben (the flamboyant shagster) allison (the contemporary chick) travis (just AMAZING) and martha..also great. but i seriously am in love with this lil' swing dude, benji. just watch his audition (especially the second part)- this kid is AMAZING.
FNX BEING COMMERCIAL FREE: honestly, if i didn't love fnx radio with all of my heart before, this commercial free til july 4th thing really sends them over the top. yeah, they have frequent snapple plugs and promotions, but NO COMMERCIALS? freakin' awesome.
ICE CREAM SUNDAES: fuck, why not? they're delicious. except when the bitter high school bitches at king kone try to fit way too much into the small sundae cup and there is syrup and whipped cream and ice cream and shit all dripping down the sides. DAYUM!
APARTMENT SHOPPING: sure, it makes me feel unnecessarily old walking into linens and things and scopin' out the dinnerware, but it is kind of satisfying to shop for your OWN place. meaning i can buy an unnecessary "old fashioned soda fountain straw dispenser" for my kitchen table just because i want to.
IT FINALLY BEING SUNNY OUTSIDE: i hate rain in most circumstances, as it adds an unnecessarily depressing element to the day. thus, sunshine makes me happy. and the fact that the torrential monsoons here in NH seem to be over is brilliant.
THE WILLOWZ (and their videos): the willowz rule, man. they've got the 60's vibe down to a t, no posing or posturing necessary, in both their image and sound. i love it! i thought the white stripes videos were innovative, but these kids are definitely on their tail. they recently released a DVD "video collective", and i snagged "cons & tricks"- easily my favorite song of theirs and a CRAZY video, as well as "unveil", which showcases their fantastic retro-ness in all of it's glory. you can check out more on youtube. enjoy!
on a sidenote, one thing i am not too jazzed about is that love of my life and strokes guitarist nick valensi is married and going to be a father. i was kind of hoping he would just show up at my house one day and i could have his love children. oh well.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
...in the epic to discover what has happened to our saturdays
so, i don't know about anyone else, but i've been severely lacking in the happy summer music department. nothing that has come out too recently has really made me want to lay out in the grass and cloud watch, or just close my eyes and enjoy the sun (lately, on those rare days when it's not raining, of course). that is, nothing except these two brilliant bands, both of whom narrated a good portion of my recent vacation to las vegas and los angeles. it could be that they are both from the l.a. area, but who knows. all i know is that each group's music makes for a perfect summer soundtrack.
Everything about The Little Ones makes me smile, from their album covers to their press photos to their joyful pop tunes. I couldn't get enough of them after listening to some of the mp3s on their site, so i purchased their Sing Song EP and it is well worth it if you are just wanting to enjoy some fabulous songs in terms of both melody and lyrics.
Download my personal favorite, "Lovers Who Uncover".
WHY HASN'T ANYONE HEARD OF GREAT NORTHERN? These guys (and girl) are truly fantastic. Their sound is whimsical, psychedelic, mysterious, and just plain awesome. Better yet, you can download all of their songs from their myspace page. PLEASE listen to "The Middle"- I would be shocked if anyone didn't completely love it.

Download my personal favorite, "Lovers Who Uncover".

Sunday, June 04, 2006
linear communication
so, with some coaxing from jacob following the advent of my 20th birthday, i have decided to abandon the "livejournal" world and create one of these oh-so-hip "blog" contraptions. hopefully this will stick, because i just enjoy writing for my own reference and for the the sake of reminiscing about things. but i might use this purely for funny or amusing things. who knows.
and in case you are wondering, my blog title is the name of a great song by head like a kite, which you can get right here.
in the past couple months, there have been a lot of changes underway. i will be starting in the fall as a transfer at emerson college, and i couldn't be more thrilled! my roommate laura & i found a fabulous apartment in the north end of boston (pictures below), and are surrounded by shops, restaurants and bakeries- this will most likely be more of a problem because i baaaasically plan to set up shop at the bakery 24/7.
UMM, i'm starting my position as an "administrative intern" at my dad's company tomorrow. NO idea what i'm doing, which is always fun. i seriously can't wait to begin my 40-hour a week grind in which i will turn into an old woman. i plan to go to work, come home, run on my treadmill, eat my dinner, watch my "programs" (i'm trying to emphasize my senior citizen-ness) and go to bed. maybe i'll do a crossword puzzle somewhere in there.
also, kristi & i are PROBABLY the most awkwardly amazing people ever. she took me out for a birthday dinner the other night, to bugaboo creek STEAKHOUSE, and we both got fish. then we proceeded to jam to a mix of vanessa carlton's "white houses", white canadian rapper snow's "informer", and ryan cabrera's "on the way down" in the car. then we watched "so you think you can dance".
the next night she came over and we watched the national spelling bee. for all TWO HOURS. not kidding, it was wonderful.
i'm thinking about applying to cokemachineglow as a contributor or staff writer, since i love reviewing music. uhhh yeah.
here are some pictures of the apartment, doodz. of course none of this stuff is going to be there when we get there, besides the couch because the girl is nice enough to give it to us, but it's cute as a button. but i already got a brilliant retro red and silver kitchen table.

and in case you are wondering, my blog title is the name of a great song by head like a kite, which you can get right here.
in the past couple months, there have been a lot of changes underway. i will be starting in the fall as a transfer at emerson college, and i couldn't be more thrilled! my roommate laura & i found a fabulous apartment in the north end of boston (pictures below), and are surrounded by shops, restaurants and bakeries- this will most likely be more of a problem because i baaaasically plan to set up shop at the bakery 24/7.
UMM, i'm starting my position as an "administrative intern" at my dad's company tomorrow. NO idea what i'm doing, which is always fun. i seriously can't wait to begin my 40-hour a week grind in which i will turn into an old woman. i plan to go to work, come home, run on my treadmill, eat my dinner, watch my "programs" (i'm trying to emphasize my senior citizen-ness) and go to bed. maybe i'll do a crossword puzzle somewhere in there.
also, kristi & i are PROBABLY the most awkwardly amazing people ever. she took me out for a birthday dinner the other night, to bugaboo creek STEAKHOUSE, and we both got fish. then we proceeded to jam to a mix of vanessa carlton's "white houses", white canadian rapper snow's "informer", and ryan cabrera's "on the way down" in the car. then we watched "so you think you can dance".
the next night she came over and we watched the national spelling bee. for all TWO HOURS. not kidding, it was wonderful.
i'm thinking about applying to cokemachineglow as a contributor or staff writer, since i love reviewing music. uhhh yeah.
here are some pictures of the apartment, doodz. of course none of this stuff is going to be there when we get there, besides the couch because the girl is nice enough to give it to us, but it's cute as a button. but i already got a brilliant retro red and silver kitchen table.

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