Friday, January 11, 2008

living in the white

i know, i know, i'm slipping already. sue me. 2008 has been dubbed the "year of chance" by some, and the "year of paradox" by others, so take your pick. i'm going to go with chance, due to some very positive recent (and chance!) turns that my personal life has taken since the dawn of the new year...if you're that desperate to know, i'll fill you in privately as it's hardly blogging fodder at this point.

also, i think i've been watching too much hgtv, because it has me way too excited about purchasing my first home and furnishing it....regardless of the fact that i have almost zero funds to make such an idea happen. thus, the granite countertops and two-sided fireplaces will have to wait. ah, well... a girl can dream!

also, i've been kiiiind of toying with the idea of losing my bangs...y/n?!

random thoughts...

ron paul is a crazy old man.

it's pouring out.

you should listen to the new meneguar album.

i want to win the lottery.

life is good.


Anonymous said...

fuck chance and paradox.

this is the year of CHANGE!

so lose the bangs....embrace change!

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah...but i love them so!!! i'll try and build up the courage to let them go!