1. wonderful spells
though i had the good fortune to catch these guys live a couple times in boston and fell in love, i just rediscovered them on the heels of their brand new EP, "the haunted garage," and i'm so thrilled that i did. a bunch of music and art students by day and straight-outta-the-60's rockers by night and dreamy to boot? yes please. watch "bad news blues," and you'll see what i mean.
2. i was told there'd be cake
my dear friend jen sent me this collection of essays by sloane crosley for christmas, and i think it was probably the perfect time in my life to read this. griping about first-job woes, apartment foibles, and collecting ponies (?), it's laugh-out-loud funny and the best book i've read in a long time. it also made me feel better to find out that ms. crosley is 30- older than i had imagined- because at least i still have, like, 8 years to amass a collection of my own funny anecdotes. anyways, read it!
3. the real world: brooklyn

who was i kidding? after about a 3-year hiatus from watching this trainwreck, i finally got reeled back in with last year's hollywood cast, and still can't look away. dolphin trainer? check. iraq war vet? check. mormon who swears he ain't gay? check. kind-hearted transsexual? check. roided-up gym rat? check. to be honest, i was expecting a lot worse, but this show is like television crack, and i'll be getting my fix every week, thank you.
3. the real world: brooklyn

who was i kidding? after about a 3-year hiatus from watching this trainwreck, i finally got reeled back in with last year's hollywood cast, and still can't look away. dolphin trainer? check. iraq war vet? check. mormon who swears he ain't gay? check. kind-hearted transsexual? check. roided-up gym rat? check. to be honest, i was expecting a lot worse, but this show is like television crack, and i'll be getting my fix every week, thank you.
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