since new year's eve was baaasically blizzard conditions, emily came over and we drank a couple- make that many- glasses of wine and had a grand ol' time (the title of this post was aptly taken from my last words of '08, cursing the metrosexual toolbag himself while he danced around on "dick clark's rockin' eve.") ANYWAYS, i made a list of 100 things to do in '09- not necessarily goals, mind you, as i may have done them before, but that seemed more plausible than setting unrealistic expectations, y'know?! it was way harder to come up with them than i thought, for sure. these include:
-take a cruise
-document every month with photos
-send out christmas cards
-play pub trivia
-compliment a stranger
-complete the crossword every day for a month
-improve my handwriting
-yelp about 10 places i've been
-get a passport
-floss every day
-sell something on ebay
-read 50 new books
-see 50 new movies
-develop my "personal brand" (at least until i get aforementioned job)
-drink an egg cream
-do volunteer work
-eat at a restaurant featured on the food network
thoughts? suggestions?! your own personal goals?
i leave you with this winning outfit from miss she's-just-being-miley (and her sketchball, fame-whore boyfriend justin gaston). tbh, i kind of love this look....minus those HIDEOUS tights. yikes!

1 comment:
Hry Kim this is Janine. I hope things have been going really well for you these days. it's been awhile since we've seen each other. Anyways I was leaving you a comment to suggest a few good books i've read recently that you should check out for furthur reccomondations look at my reading reccomondaions note i posted on facebook a few days ago
*Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Sunday List of Dreams by Kris Raddish
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